Alexandra Eyer Fine Portraits - All Prima

Alexandra Eyer

Fine Artist...
Fine Portraits Alla Prima

"Finley and His Bike" - Alexandra Eyer Fine Portraits
"Finley and His Bike"
by Alexandra Eyer

2016, Watercolor on watercolor paper.

"Finley and His Bike" received an Award of Merit in the 43rd Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibition in the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild held in Tucson.  The juror was Ted Nuttal.

"Finley and His Bike" was the recipient of an Award of Distinction at Watercolor Society of Oregon 2016
Annual Transparent Exhibition which was held in Oregon City , Oregon.

This was one of twenty awards given to the 80 paintings on exhibit. The painting travelled around Oregon during the next six months.

Juror: Francisco Fontana

Alexandra Eyer

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